Tag Archives: Night (9pm-5am)

Brownsburg, IN – Sprinkler system activates to protect bowling alley from fire on smoker’s patio

Fire caused minor damage to a Brownsburg bowling alley and sports bar early Monday morning.

Firefighters found a small fire in a smoker’s patio at the front of the building around 12:30 a.m.

The fire activated a sprinkler in the external room, but the rest of the building was not damaged by water or flames, according to the fire department.

The business was closed at the time, and no one was hurt.

Las Vegas, NV – Sprinkler system puts out mattress fire at downtown apartment building

An automatic sprinkler put out a mattress fire at a downtown apartment building early today, preventing the blaze from spreading, according to Las Vegas Fire & Rescue officials.

Nobody was injured, official said.

Firefighters responded about 12:35 a.m. to the Avenue 8 Studio Apartments, 211 N. Eighth St., after several reports of smoke on the fourth floor, officials said. They found the sprinkler had already put out the fire in one of the apartments, officials said.

The occupants were not home, and the cause of the fire has not been determined, officials said.

Damage, estimated at $500, was confined to the mattress, officials said.

Shreveport, LA – Sprinkler system puts out fire on 10th floor of apartment building

Residents of the Highland View Apartments were evacuated last night after firefighters responded to an apartment fire around 10:50 PM. It happened on the 10th floor of the apartment building in the 1800 block of Fairfield Avenue and thankfully no one was hurt.  Officials tell us the sprinkler system actually put out the fire before fire crews arrived.  The cause of the fire is still under investigation.  

Fort Dodge, IA – Sprinkler system credited with extinguishing apartment blaze

A sprinkler system put out a fire in a Fort Dodge apartment building Wednesday night and no one was injured.  The incident at Evergreen Estates, 1543 27th Ave. N., was reported at 10:27 p.m.  Fire Department Capt. Paul Neeson said a fire ignited on the stove in a first floor apartment in the three-story building. He said the heat from the fire caused a sprinkler head to activate and douse the flames.  “It did its job,” he said of the sprinkler.

Schaumburg, IL (No Media Coverage) – Fire at IKEA store contained by sprinkler system

FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORTED – NO MEDIA COVERAGE ***  The Village of Schaumburg Fire Department responded to a call early morning (1:30 am) on Wednesday (1/18) at the IKEA in Schaumburg. Upon arrival our crews reported light smoke in the building. They were meet by building maintenance who stated the syrup machine started on fire in the first floor food court activating the sprinkler system. A single sprinkler contained the fire, and the building engineer was able to extinguish the fire with a fire extinguisher. The cause is believed to be due to a shorted electrical cord, and the damage was limited to an estimated $4,000.

Sherman, TX – Overnight fire at retirement community suppressed by sprinkler system

One man was transported to the hospital overnight after a small fire broke out at the Renaissance-Sherman retirement community. Sherman Fire-Rescue Chief Danny Jones said the fire appeared to be accidental and was started by a male resident living on the third floor of the facility shortly after midnight. Jones said an unidentified item was left on or near the stove, which was powered on, and caught fire.

“The facility’s sprinkler system worked as it was designed and basically put the fire out before our arrival,” Jones said. “The biggest thing we had to deal with was the smoke.” Jones said that the third floor residents exited their rooms on their own accord and were assisted to the opposite end of the building by staff as precaution. The male resident of the unit where the fire started was transported to a hospital for smoke inhalation and Jones said he believed the patient was released shortly after he received treatment. No other injuries were reported.  The Sherman-Fire-Rescue Chief said the actual amount of fire damage was relatively small, but water from the sprinkler system caused more damage to the apartment where the fire originated and to several units on the floor below.  Jones encouraged residents and homeowners to be mindful of their work while cooking and when in the kitchen.  “Keep combustibles away from any type of heat source and don’t leave food attended on the stove,” Jones said.

Yakima, WA – Sprinkler system contains suspected arson fire at Bi-Mart store

Authorities say a fire that caused an estimated $1 million damage at the Bi-Mart store on North 40th Avenue early Tuesday morning was deliberately set and may have stemmed from a burglary.

Evidence suggests it was arson, said Capt. Jeff Pfaff, spokesman for the Yakima Fire Department, which is working with police to determine the exact cause of the fire and where it started.

Firefighters were called to the store, 1207 N. 40th Ave., at 2:15 a.m. on a report that water was flowing in the building’s sprinkler system. Arriving crews found smoke coming from the back of the building and cardboard boxes burning in a second-story storage area, Pfaff said.

The building’s back doors were open, suggesting someone entered after the store closed for the night, said police spokesman Mike Bastinelli.

A search of the area with a police dog was not successful. It is unknown if anything was taken from the store, Bastinelli said.

Twenty-four firefighters worked to put out the fire, which Pfaff said was confined to the upper storage room due to the sprinkler system. However, smoke went through the building and water pooled in the storage area damaging merchandise, Pfaff said.

Fire officials estimate damage at $1,005,000. Officials said it is unknown how much of the store’s stock, including food, can be salvaged.

The store will close for an indefinite time while it is cleaned up and the merchandise is assessed, said Don Leber, Bi-Mart’s vice president of advertising and marketing.

Leber said the store, which opened in November 1959, employs about 55 people. Some of them will be transferred temporarily to the Bi-Mart on South Fifth Avenue to help with the additional shoppers expected there, while the rest will be assisting with the cleanup at the North 40th Avenue store.

Bi-Mart is also transferring prescriptions for customers of the North 40th Avenue store to its other Yakima location, Leber said. He said the company hopes to reopen the pharmacy in the next couple of days, but people will have to use the outside window.

Bastinelli said Bi-Mart was one of four reported burglaries within a 3-mile radius that police were investigating Tuesday. However, he said Bi-Mart does not appear to be related to the other cases.

Detectives are investigating break-ins at the Conoco gas station at 4708 Tieton Drive; Tom-Tom Espresso, 412 S. 40th Ave.; and the Sunshine Mart, 6712 Tieton Drive, Bastinelli said.

Appleton, WI – Early morning apartment fire suppressed by sprinkler system; No injuries

Around 3:30 Sunday morning the Appleton Fire Department was sent to an apartment building on the 500 block of Winnebago Street for an early morning fire.  When crews arrived the sprinkler system inside the building had doused the flames but it was still filled with smoke.  Everyone was evacuated, but they were allowed to return after fire crews finished.  That fire is still under investigation.  No one was hurt in that blaze.

Henrico, VA – Overnight fire at public school learning center is put out with help from sprinkler system

A fire at the New Bridge Learning Center will keep the Henrico Public Schools facility closed on Friday after a fire early Thursday. A Henrico fire official says the blaze in the 5900 block of East Nine Mile Road started just after 4 a.m. on the second floor of the facility. It was extinguished with the help of an automated sprinkler system.   During the search of the building, fire crews also discovered a burst water pipe. The fire, which remains under investigation, was brought under control in about an hour. No injuries were reported.  Henrico school officials say all pre-school and Elementary Intervention classes at New Bridge Learning Center will be cancelled for Friday and they expect the center to re-open for students and staff on Tuesday, January 17, 2017.  Spokesman Andy Jenks also said the School Board work session originally scheduled in the New Bridge Auditorium will take place at the Henrico Western Government Center at Parham and Hungary Springs roads at 1:30 p.m.

Bartlett, IL – Sprinkler system holds fire in check, protecting suburban landmark BAPS Cultural Center

A fire that started in a large commercial dryer at the BAPS Cultural Center in Bartlett last week was held in place by a sprinkler until fire crews arrived, preventing the possible loss of a suburban landmark, authorities say.

Occupants of the building at 1851 S. Route 59 were quickly notified to evacuate by the fire alarm system at 9:39 p.m. Jan. 3, Damage was limited to the dryer and smoke damage to the immediate area around it.”

The building where the fire occurred is very large and unique,” Bartlett Fire Protection District Fire Chief Michael Falese said. “Without a fire sprinkler system, this could have been a very significant fire with millions of dollars of damage and a loss of a landmark facility.”