Tag Archives: Night (9pm-5am)

Norfolk, VA – Early morning apartment fire put out by sprinkler system

Multiple people have been displaced following a fire in a Norfolk apartment building Tuesday morning, officials said. The fire, which began in a kitchen at 3:30 a.m. at 819 West 38th Street, was put out by the complex’s sprinkler system before fire units arrived on the scene. No injuries were reported. Red Cross is assisting the six adults and eight children who were displaced by the incident.

Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada – Sprinkler system activates in overnight fire at manufacturing plant

Ontario Fire Marshal is investigating a blaze at Arauco North America. Sault Ste. Marie Fire Services was called to the Base Line site, formerly Flakeboard, at about 11:50 p.m. on Sunday.

A sprinkler system was activated. Arauco workers were fighting a fire in a press machine and dust collection system, said platoon chief Stan Martynuck. Firefighters took over.

Spot fires followed in the early morning Monday. The fire was under control by 8 a.m., said Martynuck. The fire department was on scene until 5 p.m.

One firefighter received minor injuries. He was not taken to Sault Area Hospital.

Cause of the blaze is under investigation by fire prevention officer Carlo Provenzano and OFM investigators. Heavy damage prompted OFM participation, said Martynuck.

Nashville, TN – No one hurt in senior high-rise after sprinklers extinguish overnight fire

Emergency crews evacuated a Nashville retirement home early Monday after a resident reportedly fell asleep while smoking and caught a chair on fire, a fire spokesman said. Fire crews responded about 1:15 a.m. to Trevecca Towers at 60 Lester Ave. for a report of smoke at the 16-story building, Nashville Fire Department spokesman Brian Haas said.

Arriving crews evacuated the tower and found several pieces of furniture on fire in a room on the second floor, Haas said. The building’s sprinklers put the fire out shortly after crews arrived, Haas said.

“We have a lot of residents whose families are concerned,” said Tyler Jones, the building’s manager. “Thankfully, the sprinkler system worked as designed, so we’re grateful no one was hurt.”

Nearly two dozen residents were displaced, Haas said, but some of them were able to be housed at vacant units in the same building. The American Red Cross was called in to contact families of the other displaced residents to find temporary homes until their units are repaired. The nonprofit agency also provided cots for a few other displaced residents.

Although the facility may also have to put some displaced residents in hotel rooms, Jones said he wants to assure families that the residents will be taken care of.


Daytona Beach, FL – Mattress fire at residential building put out by sprinkler system

Firefighters responded to a mattress fire at the Three Oaks Inn at 331 S. Palmetto Ave. about 12:40 a.m. Wednesday. The fire is believed to have started because of someone smoking in bed, Daytona Beach fire spokeswoman Julie Maddux said. The building’s sprinkler system put the fire out. About 35 people were displaced. The displaced residents were assisted by the Red Cross.

Carbondale, CO – Suspected arson fire at non-profit organization is suppressed by sprinkler system

A fire apparently set on purpose at Carbondale’s Third Street Center early Wednesday may be linked to a fruitless bank break-in that also happened overnight. “The fire was suspicious in origin, and we don’t think it was accidental,” said Rob Goodwin, Carbondale and Rural Fire Protection District deputy chief.

Linda Taylor, executive director of the Center for Independence, based in Grand Junction, said officials told her that the fire at her organization’s Carbondale office was set on purpose.

The Colorado Bureau of Investigation was helping Carbondale fire and police officials with the investigation.

In a twist, Police Chief Gene Schilling said authorities think the fire may be related to a break-in at the ANB Bank at 409 Dolores Way.

Here’s how the night unfolded

Firefighters and police responded at 1:30 a.m. to the Third Street Center, 520 S. Third, to find smoke coming from a window on the east side of the building. Audible alarms and flashing lights were going off, and a neighbor had already extinguished the fire before firefighters arrived.

“It was pretty much out, but the building was full of smoke” when the Fire Department got there, Goodwin said.

A couple hours later, at 3:55 a.m., police responded to an alarm at ANB Bank to find glass broken in both sets of entry doors.

“It appears that a suspect entered the bank but did not take anything,” police said in a statement.

The break-in suspect is described as tall and thin and was wearing black clothing.

At the Third Street Center “there’s more water damage than fire damage,” Goodwin said.

“This fire reinforces the fact that fire sprinkler systems really do work,” he said. “Having a sprinkler system in place prevented the fire from spreading to other parts of the Third Street Center and causing further damage.”

The fire did not spread beyond the center’s office, but it was unknown when the nonprofit will be able to reopen.

No one was injured, and no loss amount had been determined.

Evansville, IN – Sprinkler system credited with limiting damage in overnight fire at Aramark Uniform Services

A sprinkler system credited with saving an Evansville business from an overnight fire. It happened at Aramark Uniform Services on Florence Street just past midnight Wednesday morning. It took about 30 minutes to get the fire under control. Investigators say the fire was started by some sort of chemical reaction.

Thanks to the sprinkler system, damage was limited to mostly smoke and water. We’re told nobody was inside at the time and no firefighters were injured.

Westminster, CO – Damage from restaurant fire minimized thanks to sprinkler system

A sprinkler system helped prevent major damage after an electrical fire in Westminster. Firefighters responded to an alarm at 11300 Westmoor Circle just before 10 p.m. Wednesday. Security at the building at the site reported smoke an electrical smell.

When crews arrived they found a room in the Oasis Café filled with smoke and the sprinkler head activated. The firefighters quickly extinguished the remaining fire, shut off the sprinkler system and ventilated the first floor of the building.

The fire was started by a series of lithium batteries that were in a large charger. However, because of the building sprinklers the damage was limited to the charger, minor smoke damage and water damage in the immediate area of the sprinkler head. According to the fire department, there could have been a much larger fire without the sprinkler system.

Flushing, NY – Sprinkler system knocks down fire in supermarket basement

A fire broke out in the basement of a supermarket in Flushing late Wednesday morning, the FDNY said. The Fire Department received a report of a manhole fire at about 10:51 a.m., according to an FDNY spokesman.

The manhole may be connected to the basement of the building of the H&Y Marketplace, located at 150-51 Northern Blvd., the spokesman said. There were elevated carbon monoxide readings as high as 700 parts per million, but the sprinkler system activated and the fire was knocked down at about 12:19 p.m., the spokesman said.

Con Edison shut off the power and it was evaluating the air quality to make sure that people remain safe, the spokesman added. There were no reported injuries and the FDNY was still actively working on the scene, he said.

Sarasota, FL – Arson fire at nightclub is prevented from spreading by sprinkler system

Sarasota deputies are looking for a man who they say set fire to a gay nightclub Sunday morning.  Surveillance video shows a man wearing a dark long-sleeved shirt and light colored shorts approaching Throb Nightclub, 2201 Industrial Blvd., at 9 a.m. Sunday, according to a release.

The man walked up to the door carrying a gas can and unsuccessfully tried to light the building on fire with a lit cigarette, deputies said. He walks away and then re-approaches the business, successfully lights the fire and walks away again.  The sprinkler system prevented the fire from spreading, according to a report.

When the flames cleared, Throb Nightclub had suffered $10,000 in fire and water damage. Owner Brian Zickafoose wasted no time making repairs, and opened the club for a regular Sunday evening just hours after the flames had been put out.

Anyone with information can contact criminal investigations at 941-861-4934 or the State Fire Marshal’s arson hotline at 877-662-7766. Anonymous tips can be submitted to Crime Stoppers of Sarasota County by calling 941-366-TIPS (8477) or online at www.sarasotacrimestoppers.com

Export, PA – Sprinkler system halts spread of fire at Westmoreland Country Club

A fire in a laundry room at Westmoreland Country Club early Tuesday caused minimal damage and did not curtail any activities, a club official said.

Controller April Jeroski said no one was injured in the blaze reported at 12:39 a.m.

“It was totally contained to the laundry area. The rest of the club is operational,” she said.

Claridge fire Chief Bob Bankosh said some smoldering towels were found near an electrical box.

A fire suppression sprinkler system kicked in, preventing further spread of smoke or fire, he said.

Bankosh said the fire has been ruled accidental.