All posts by viking210

Sprinkler system contains fire at Royal Canadian Mint (Ottawa, ON)

There are no injuries and no burned money after a fire at the Royal Canadian Mint’s facility in Winnipeg. Spokesperson Christine Aquino says employees were evacuated safely and production resumed within a few hours. The Winnipeg fire department says the fire was caused by overheated electrical equipment, and was contained by the building’s sprinkler system.

Hotel safely evacuated after electrical fire thanks to sprinkler system (Fort Wayne, IN)

Occupants of the Fort Wayne Marriott evacuated safely after an electrical fire broke out in a second floor room. According to Fort Wayne Fire Department Battalion Chief Mike Pinkham, the fire was confined to a second floor room on the hotel’s west side. Pinkham said the building’s sprinkler system put the fire out, saving a large portion of the building from catching fire.

Sprinklers extinguish early morning bar fire (Wilkes-Barre, PA)

A fire that erupted early this morning at a themed Bar was the result of varnish rags that caught fire amid a reconstruction project, fire officials said. Most of the fire had already been extinguished by the time fire crews responded, said city Fire Chief Jay Delaney. “Very fortunately, they have a good fire alarm system and a sprinkler system in place that prevented a lot of damage,” Delaney said  

Blog editor’s note: A fire alarm system does not trigger a sprinkler, but only rather the substantial heat from a fire.