Tag Archives: Night (9pm-5am)

Hotel utility room fire contained by sprinkler system (West Yellowstone, MT)

“A water heater was the cause of the fire,” HBFD Assistant Fire Chief Shane Grube said. The pan on the bottom of a water heater in the hotel’s utility room got too close to the floor, which caused the fire. “The sprinklers began to discharge in the utility room and after some investigating, we found the burn pattern was underneath the water heater,” Waldron said. “The floor was burned completely down through. And it was the sprinkler system that really had done its job,” Grube said.

Sprinkler system extinguishes fire at cabinet-making business (Sacramento, CA)

A sprinkler system was credited with extinguishing a fire at a Rancho Cordova cabinet manufacturing business Monday night.  After forcing their way inside, firefighters found that a small fire at a work station had activated a sprinkler head and the fire had been extinguished.  No one was in the building when fire crews arrived.

Sprinkler system extinguishes fire in mall bathroom (Toms River, NJ)

Crews found the fire started in the employee bathroom, located at the rear of the store, but was extinguished by the fire sprinkler system, Toms River Bureau of Fire Prevention Director James Mercready said. The fire sprinkler system helped control and suppress the “potentially catastrophic” fire, he said. A fire sprinkler head had activated once temperatures in the area reached 155 degrees Fahrenheit and once it kicked on, a fire alarm signal alerted the fire department of the fire, Mercready said.

Sprinkler system extinguishes apartment fire in second floor bedroom (Boise, ID)

Fire officials say an four-plex building in South Boise avoided major fire damage late Tuesday night thanks to a sprinkler system that put out a blaze before crews got there. 

When crews arrived, they found that the sprinkler system in the building was able to put out the fire before it could spread. The fire ignited after a candle fell off a window sill in the bedroom of a second-floor unit but did not spread to the sheetrock — or anywhere else in the apartment.

Sprinkler system extinguishes prison wood shop fire (Lincoln, NE)

A sprinkler system doused a fire at a wood shop on the Nebraska State Penitentiary campus early Saturday, a fire official said. The flames erupted inside the building at Nebraska 2 and Pioneers Boulevard just after 2 a.m., setting a number of furniture items ablaze. Steve Dolezal, acting battalion chief for Lincoln Fire and Rescue, said the fire was a minor event and some crews were back in service soon after making their way to the shop.