Fire at supercenter put out by sprinkler system (Brooksville, FL)

The Brooksville Fire Department responded to a fire at the town’s Wal-mart store on the morning of Tuesday, February 11. Fire officials report that one of the store’s buffing machines was to blame for the ignition of the fire. The store’s fire sprinkler system activated and helped to put out the fire within 15 minutes. All employees and customers were able to evacuate safely.

Single sprinkler head eliminates fire at retirement housing facility (Columbus, GA)

Investigators believe that the fire which began at Farrfield Manor, a retirement home, was started by unattended food that was cooking on the stove of one of its units. Thankfully, the heat from the fire activated a single sprinkler head, which then put out the fire. 

“It went out immediately,” Captain Brian Russell of the Columbus Fire and Emergency Medical Services said.

No one was injured in the incident, and everyone was able to go back to their apartments shortly after the incident.

Fire squelched by sprinkler system in multi-story apartment building (Baton Rouge, LA)

A fire which began on the fifth floor of a downtown apartment building was eliminated by the building’s sprinkler system. The majority of the the apartment’s residents are seniors, and everyone was able to evacuate without injury. 

** Blog Editor’s Note – Please let us know what you think of the coverage by reporter Andrew Nomura and CBS 9News, which focused on water damage rather than the lives and property saved by the automatic fire sprinkler system **

Assisted living facility fire contained by sprinkler system (Oak Ridge, TN)

According to Tennessee fire officials, the residents of Park Ridge Assisted Living are grateful for the sprinkler system in their building after a fire began on Friday, January 31. Thanks to the fire sprinkler system, residents were able to safely evacuate the building, and the damage to the building was contained to one room.

“The damage to the building was minimal, and no residents were displaced,” Oak Ridge Fire Department Chief Darryl Kerley said. “Without the sprinkler system, we believe the outcome would be very different.”

Since 2003 the state of Tennessee mandated that fire sprinkler systems be installed in all nursing homes. 

“The adoption of sprinkler system legislation has no doubt saved countless lives,” said Assistant Commissioner for Fire Prevention Gary West. “The lifesaving capabilities of these systems can be the difference during a fire.”

Sprinklers douse apartment fire started by small child (Vancouver, WA)

An eight-year old child started a fire in the bedroom of an apartment on Monday evening while using a lighter. The unit’s fire sprinkler activated and put out the majority of the fire before fire crews arrived.

“Automatic fire sprinklers keep fires small,” Vancouver Fire Marshal Heidi Scarpelli said. “The (loss) potential was really great.”

Sprinklers assist firefighters in restaurant fire (Lake Oswego, OR)

A fire broke out at a restaurant in the middle of the night Tuesday. A single fire sprinkler activated and contained the fire until fire crews arrived and eliminated the rest of the blaze. According to firefighters, the sprinkler systems quick response saved the restaurant from far worse damage. Investigators report that the heat from the stove conducted through the wall and started the wood studs on fire.

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