A sprinkler system extinguished a fire at a Grand Forks hotel early Sunday morning.
Guests and staff had exited safely. No one was hurt.
Dadario and other residents reported seeing and smelling smoke coming from the trash chutes on the first floor. The fire appears to have originated in the compactor room, though the cause is still officially unknown.
The sprinkler system was able to extinguish the fire before it could spread, though some areas, including student’s rooms, near the area flooded in the process. Luckily, the sprinklers in the trash rooms are independent of the rest of the system for this very purpose. This specialization meant there was significantly less damage than the incident in October, where sprinkler systems were triggered in several rooms.
Meanwhile, the crowd of residents outside was growing cold and restless. In the rush to evacuate, many were unable to put on clothes appropriate for the freezing weather. Some had nothing more than light pajamas. Others were in flip-flops, lacking socks to protect themselves against the cold.
Public Safety directed everyone to take refuge in the cafés of the research buildings, anticipating a long wait for the fire department and RAs to handle the situation inside. After some time, those residents were falsely told that the doors were open and they could return to their rooms. The crowd then gathered just outside the doors until they were allowed in, nearly an hour after the evacuation began.
Inside the building, the elevators were out of order and residents took the stairs to their rooms in the 10-story dormitory. Eventually, the majority of residents were back in their rooms, and the RA team was helping those who were locked out. The bulk of the crisis was over for the night, while worries linger for those impacted by the flooding.
*** No Media Coverage – Fire Department Reported *** The McKinney Fire Department received a report of a structure fire at approximately 10 p.m., on Friday, Feb. 22 at Wonderland Montessori, 3132 Hudson Crossing. A person passing by the building called 9-1-1 after hearing the alarm and seeing the flashing strobe lights. When firefighters got inside, they found that two fire sprinkler heads kept the flames from spreading. There was minor damage to a cabinet area. An investigation is underway into why the system did not notify the alarm company. The alarm company would then have called 911.
“This is exactly how fire sprinklers are supposed to work,” said McKinney Fire Marshal Mike Smith. “In this incident, the building was empty and the fire would have gotten much further if the sprinklers hadn’t kicked in.”
Fact: Fire sprinklers are activated by heat, so only the sprinklers closest to the flames will be activated. This limits water damage to the rest of the structure.