Tag Archives: Night (9pm-5am)

Single sprinkler head prevents spread of restaurant fire (Boiling Springs, SC)

An early-morning fire at an Upstate restaurant sent three Spartanburg County fire departments to the scene on Wednesday. The fire was reported about 3 a.m. at the Copper River Grill, located at 2104 S Carolina 9 in Boiling Springs, dispatchers said.

Boiling Springs, Cherokee Springs  and North Spartanburg fire departments responded, according to Boiling Springs Fire Chief Scott Miller. Firefighters were able to contained flames to an outside storage area, Miller said.

 “A single sprinkler head activated, preventing the fire from spreading into the restaurant,” Miller said in an informal release.

Fire at automotive components manufacturer contained by sprinklers (Greencastle, IN)

Local fire crews were called to the scene of a fire Friday evening at Heartland Automotive. Firefighters were dispatched to the scene to reports of heavy smoke at 9:36 p.m.  Greencastle Fire Chief Bill Newgent told the Banner Graphic the blaze originated in the facility’s paint room. The sprinkler system in the area contained the fire until firefighters arrived to extinguish it completely. No cause has been determined.

Sprinklers control fire, limit damage in fire at multi-use complex (Pawtucket, RI)

A small fire in a third-floor space of the Hope Artiste Village complex was put out by firefighters Wednesday night. Battalion Chief Joseph Murray said that the fire started on a wood floor that was being renovated, triggering the sprinkler system. Murray said the sprinklers contained the fire to about a 15-foot section of floor. The floor was unoccupied and there were no injuries, said Murray. The complex houses shops, workshop studio apartments and other businesses in a 19th-century mill complex.

Fire at coffee shop doused by sprinklers, store expected to re-open tomorrow (Rochester, NY)

Firefighters were called to Spot Coffee, at the intersection of East Avenue and Matthews Street, around 10:15 p.m. At the scene, crews found some boxes in a storeroom had caught fire, but the sprinkler system had knocked down the flames. Workers, customers and some residents evacuated the building. No one was injured and the restaurant should be able to re-open tomorrow.

Suspected arson fire at Benihana Japanese Steakhouse controlled with help from sprinkler system (Short Hills, NJ)

A 19-year-old township resident has been arrested in connection with a suspicious fire that occurred last week at the restaurant he worked at on Morris Turnpike, authorities said.  Firefighters responded to a report of smoke in the restaurant at about 9:30 p.m., authorities said. The patrons had evacuated the building of their own accord and firefighters noticed a moderate amount of smoke in the dining area, according to an incident report. The majority of the fire was contained by a sprinkler, and firefighters extinguished the remaining portion, the report says. No injuries were reported.

Middle of night apartment fire extinguished by single sprinkler (Savannah, GA)

Savannah firefighters are investigating a blaze downtown which forced several people out of their apartments overnight. About 1:30 a.m. Thursday, firefighters were called to the apartment house in the 400 block of West Congress Street. The building also houses B&B Billiards. When firefighters arrived, they found smoke inside the apartment house and a sprinkler had been set off in one of the rooms. The water from the sprinkler had put out a fire on the third floor.

Sprinkler system helps contain warehouse fire (Kearny, NJ)

A two-alarm fire broke out inside a Kearny warehouse early this morning and was contained within an hour, fire officials said. Kearny Fire Chief Steve Dyl said the blaze started in a storage room in the facility at 20 Basin Drive, located on the Hackensack Riverfront. The fire was reported at 2:16 a.m. Dyl said, adding that the building’s sprinkler system helped contain the fire. Dyl said the fire sparked because products were stored too close to a heating source.

Suspected arson fire at popular cafe controlled by sprinkler system (Fairfield, CT)

Fairfield police and fire officials have launched a “significant investigation” into a blaze at the Seagrape Cafe on Reef Road that was originally believed to be accidental but now appears to be arson, officials said Monday.

At 4:45 a.m. Friday, Oct. 31, Fairfield Fire Department received a water flow alarm from the Seagrape Cafe, indicating a sprinkler system had been activated, Assistant Fire Chief Christopher Tracy said. Engine 1 responded to a small alleyway behind the Seagrape that directly abuts the Inn at Fairfield Beach about six minutes after the alarm, reports said. According to fire officials, Engine 1 was able to feed a hose through an exhaust fan in the back of the building that was off of the room where the fire was being “kept in check” by the Seagrape’s sprinkler system.