Sprinklers control fire at assisted living facility (Mystic, CT)

An early morning fire on October 7 brought the Mystic Fire Department to an assisted living facility. According to reports, a malfunctioning heating pad caused a mattress to catch fire, and the building’s fire sprinkler contained the fire to that room until fire crews extinguished the remaining flames. All of the residents were able to evacuate safely and without injury.

Sprinklers make the difference in a condo fire on the 17th floor (Grand Rapids, MI)

Fire sprinkler system quickly extinguished a cooking fire on the 17th floor of the River House Condos on Tuesday. A grease fire on the stovetop spread to kitchen cabinets in a condo about 4:30 pm. The sprinkler system put out the flames. Firefighters had to reach the 17th floor to shut off the water, said Grand Rapids Fire Battalion Chief Kevin Sehlmeyer.

***Blog Editor’s Note – Please let us know what you think of the coverage by MLive, who focused on water damage rather than the lives and property saved by the automatic fire sprinkler system ***

Damage minimized at manufacturing plant thanks to fire sprinklers (Lancaster, PA)

Fire sprinklers contained a blaze that began at a manufacturing plant on Sunday, October 6. Just after 10:30 p.m., an oil-heating machine overheated, which started the fire. The fire sprinkler system activated and kept the fire in that area, and an employee used a fire extinguisher to put out the rest of it. The other employees who were in the manufacturing plant at the time were able to safely evacuate, and no injuries were reported.

Sprinkler system aids firefighters in assisted living facility fire (Seattle, WA)

Fire sprinklers are being credited for the safe evacuation of residents of an assisted living facility during a fire which began in the basement the morning of October 7. Firefighters arrived and were able to put out the remaining flames, which were centered around a clothes dryer, within four minutes of arriving to the scene. There were no injuries reported.

Fire sprinklers prove worth in college apartment fire (Nashville, TN)

A fire which began in the kitchen of one of Vanderbilt University’s apartment units was quickly extinguished by the building’s fire sprinkler system on the afternoon of Saturday, October 6. The suspected cause of the fire was an unattended pan on a heated stove which then ignited. All of the resident’s were able to evacuate the apartment safely, and no one was injured.

Sprinkler puts out fire at retail business (Cerritos, CA)

Firefighters arrived to a retail establishment at about 11 p.m. on October 2 after receiving a waterflow alarm from the business. The fire that began in some packaging materials had already been extinguished by the business’ fire sprinkler system by the time the fire crews arrived, and no one was injured.

*** Blog Editor’s Note – Please let us know what you think of the coverage by the Press-Telegram and City News Service, who focused on water damage rather than the lives and property saved by the automatic fire sprinkler system ***

Arson fire at treatment center extinguished by sprinklers (Sheshatshiu, NL)

Four youths have been charged with arson in connection with a fire Wednesday night that started in a bedroom at the Charles J. Andrew Treatment Centre in Sheshatshiu. The Sheshatshiu Fire Department and the North West River Fire Department responded but the sprinkler system in the building had already extinguished the small fire.

Sprinkler extinguishes fire at childern’s museum and nature center (Murfreesboro, TN)

The Discovery Center at Murfree Spring sustained no damage early Tuesday when a lamp over a snake’s aquarium shorted, causing a plastic top to melt. When crews arrived on scene, there were no visible flames or smoke,” said Ashley McDonald, public information officer for the Fire Department. Crews noted that the sprinkler system had the flames out upon their arrival. All reptiles, save for a Madagascar hissing cockroach, were unharmed in the incident.

Fire sprinkler douses dryer fire in group home (Las Vegas, NV)

Las Vegas and North Las Vegas firefighters responded to the adult assisted care group home after clothes in a dryer caught fire. The clothes dryer was in a laundry room with an automatic fire sprinkler in it. When the dryer caught fire, the sprinkler activated and kept the fire confined to the dryer. The eight elderly residents were able to escape without injury.

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