All posts by viking210

Damage minimized at waste facility thanks to fire sprinklers (Vandalia, OH)

An early morning fire at a solid waste facility set off the building’s alarm, drawing four fire departments to the building. They found that the facility’s fire sprinkler system had activated on a trash fire, leaving the fire smoldering in a big pile of waste. According to the Vandalia Fire Chief Chad Follick the sprinklers kept the fire from damaging the waste facility. No one was injured.

Fire sprinklers prove worth in restaurant fire (Des Moines, IA)

Fire crews arrived to a fire reported at a restaurant the evening of Sunday, August 11. Officials now believe the fire began as a grease fire in the kitchen and then quickly came up the stove hood into the attic. An employee who witnessed the incident reported that the fire sprinklers activated almost immediately, suppressing the flames.

Sprinkler system aids firefighters at liquor store fire (Highland Park, IL)

An elderly driver crashed through a liquor store window setting fire to display boxes of vodka and gin, reported the Chicago Tribune. Anderson said she believes her car’s accelerator stuck and caused her to jump the curb into the storefront, according to the Tribune. Police are still investigating the cause. The store’s sprinkler system helped firefighters get control of the morning fire.

Fire sprinklers prove worth in manufacturing fire (Caldwell, ID)

Fire crews responded to a fire at a manufacturing facility on the morning of August 8. The cause of the fire was the spontaneous combustion of flammable liquid soaked cloths in a garbage can within the facility. According to Andrew Carter of the Caldwell Fire Department, “the sprinkler system was the hero,” having kept the fire from spreading. About 200 employees went back to work shortly after the fire was extinguished by fire crews.