All posts by viking210

Fire extinguished by sprinkler system at senior living/retirement village (Oklahoma City, OK)


On Monday, April 14 at 4:21 am a resident at the HUD facility, Superbia Retirement Village, had a “smoking material” fire. The fire sprinklers, which were installed in the late 1990’s, successfully activated and saved the occupant(s) lives.

Sprinklers save lives and property in apartment fire (Hendersonville, TN)

An early evening fire erupted in the unit of an apartment when grease caught on fire while the tenant was cooking. The fire flared up, which then activated the fire sprinklers; the sprinklers contained and then eliminated the blaze while the resident and her daughter evacuated the apartment. 

According to Fire Marshal Chuck Swann of the Hendersonville Fire Department, the fire could have been much worse had the sprinkler system not been present to activated immediately. 

“Dry wall (that sustains water damage) can be replaced,” he said. “Lives lost to a fire can’t.”

Warehouse fire squelched thanks to sprinklers and fire crews (Oakland, CA)

A warehouse caught fire when a 23-cubic foot refrigerator inside of the building ignited early Thursday morning. The sprinkler system activated on the fire, and this quick action combined with the arriving firefighters response contained the fire within 20 minutes. There were no injuries. 

The cause of the fire remains under investigation.

Sprinklers save restaurant from fire (Westminster, CO)

Shortly before 2 a.m. on Monday, a duct detector activation indicated that there was a possible fire at a restaurant. A security guard who investigated the alert found smoke and called the authorities. Upon arrival to the scene, firefighters found the fire had been contained by two sprinkler heads and quickly extinguished it.