All posts by viking210

Sprinklers assist firefighters at condominium fire (Bath Township, OH)

Fire crews responded to a fire alarm call on Friday morning at a manufacturing plant and found heavy smoke on the ground floor as well as the roof of the building. The fire sprinkler system activated and contained the fire; fire crews were able to put out the fire within 30 minutes. The cause of the fire remains under investigation, and all personnel evacuated the premises safely.

Sprinklers control assisted living facility fire (Trotwood, OH)

Thirty-five residents were evacuated safely and temporarily when a fire began in an assisted living facility on Sunday. The fire started in a dryer in the facility’s laundry room, and the installed fire sprinklers kept the fire from spreading until fire crews arrived to put out the remaining flames. No residents were injured or displaced because of the incident.

Sprinklers keep fire from spreading into apartment building (Wilmington, NC)

A fire erupted in a work van and threatened to spread into the neighboring apartment building on Thursday afternoon. The apartment building was equipped with fire sprinklers, which kept the flames from overcoming the structure; firefighters reported that only minor exterior damage occurred thanks to the sprinklers. The cause of the van fire is under investigation, and there were no reported injuries.

Sprinklers assist firefighters in retirement home fire (Tucson, AZ)

A three-story retirement home reported a fire the morning of Friday, May 16. Smoke filled the first floor, and firefighters responded to the water flow alarm at the building. The facility was equipped with fire sprinklers, which extinguished most of the fire; firefighters arrived and put out the rest. A fire inspector reported that the cause of the fire was accidental; oil soaked towels spontaneously ignited because of a chemical reaction. There were no injuries reported.