Tag Archives: Night (9pm-5am)

Hotel fire held in check by sprinkler system (Concord, NC)

Concord Department of Fire and Life Safety was called to Sleep Inn Hotel on Dec. 23 at around 12:10 a.m.  Firefighters found heavy smoke coming from the back of the structure. There had been a fire in the building, but the sprinkler system held the fire in check until firefighters arrived. Fire Investigators determined that the fire was started by improperly discarded smoking material. There were no injuries.

Sprinkler system helps to save commercial laundry business from early morning fire (Grand Junction, CO)

Fire crews responded to a commercial laundry and linen service, about 1:10 a.m. and found an active fire inside a large bin containing clean rags and mop head, Battalion Chief John Williams said.
A fire sprinkler immediately adjacent to the burning bin activated, helping to keep the fire from spreading to other bins and pallets. Williams credited the fire alarm and sprinkler systems for alerting the Fire Department and keeping the fire in check, limiting the damage.

Arson fire at emergency shelter extinguished by sprinkler system (Saskatoon, SK)

An early morning fire at The Lighthouse emergency shelter and supported living center in downtown Saskatoon was extinguished by the building’s sprinkler system.  Fire officials say the fire was intentionally set. Fire crews were called to the building just after 1:30 a.m. after receiving reports of smoke coming from the second floor. Firefighters arrived to find smoke and water on the second floor which was traced to the closet. No injuries were reported.

Sprinklers save lives and property in assisted living facility fire (Rochester, NY)

Residents of the Madonna Meadows Assisted Living Facility were able to remain “protected in place” after a small fire began and was extinguished at about 1 a.m. on Tuesday, December 16. Residents did not have to be evacuated into the cold outdoors thanks to the facility’s fire sprinkler system, which eliminated the fire and limited smoke exposure. The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

Sprinklers credited with saving non-profit building (Albermarle, NC)

When a fire broke out at West Stanly Christian Ministries in the early morning hours of Thursday, December 12, fire crews broke in through the front door to find that the majority of the fire had been doused by two sprinkler heads. The fire had began on the first floor when one of the building’s electrically-powered heating units malfunctioned. 

Sprinklers assist firefighters in apartment fire (Charleston, SC)

Firefighters are crediting fire sprinklers with the safety of the residents of an apartment complex after a fire erupted after midnight on December 8. The fire, which investigators determined began due to unattended cooking, began in the kitchen, and a fire sprinkler activated and contained the fire to that area.

“The fire sprinkler is a critical component in the life safety of this property,” said Fire Marshal Mike Julazadeh. “In this case, a single fire sprinkler head operated and controlled the fire event until the fire department could arrive and mitigate any remaining hazards.”

“Without the fire sprinkler system, we would have had a substantial event, damaged multiple apartments, and displaced numerous families,” he added.

No injuries were reported.

Fire at apartment unit put out by sprinkler system (San Diego, CA)

An overnight fire that began in a third story apartment unit began when an oven in that unit burst into flames. The fire sprinkler in the unit activated and eliminated the flames; no injuries were reported.

** Blog Editor’s Note – Please let us know what you think of the coverage by reporter ABC 10 News, which focused on water damage rather than the lives and property saved by the automatic fire sprinkler system**