Tag Archives: Night (9pm-5am)
Battle Ground, WA – Fire in school science lab contained to one room by sprinkler system
Amherst, NY – Sprinkler system quickly contains Christmas night fire at nursing home
Corbin, KY – Apartment fire extinguished by sprinkler system
Fairbanks, AK – Sprinkler system douses overnight fire at popular outfitter/retailer
*** Note from Blog Editor — Smoke cannot activate an automatic fire sprinkler system, but rather only the substantial heat created early on in the growth stage of a potentially deadly fire. Only the sprinkler(s) closest to the fire will activate. ***
DeKalb, IL – Overnight fire at wood products manufacturer contained with help from sprinkler system
The fire activated the sprinkler system, which controlled the fire until firefighters could extinguish it, the release said. Firefighters had the fire under control after about 45 minutes and remained on scene for about two more hours to ventilate the building. Crews determined the fire was accidental. Business operations resumed fully after the fire, authorities said.
Norman, OK – Intentionally set fire at mental health clinic controlled by sprinklers
Yuma, AZ – Sprinklers contain fire at commercial building under renovation
Erfert said arriving firefighters gained access to the building and found that a fire had been contained and mostly extinguished by an activated sprinkler head. Firefighters immediately began extinguishing some hot spots and ensured the fire was completely out. A small display case and some wooden dividers sustained damage. The building is being remodeled to open as a retail store. Lacquer finishing had been applied to wood panels during the work day. Oily rags not disposed of properly are suspected of causing the fire.
Sandy, UT – Quick work of sprinklers and firefighters save day spa from overnight fire
Belleville, ON, Canada – Electrical fire at small business held in check by sprinkler system