Food Processing, Manufacturing Processing plant fire reduced to smoke thanks to fire sprinklers (Sioux Falls, SD) July 15, 2013 viking210 Fire crews responded to a meat processing plant fire that was spotted by a bystander the night of July 12 to find the flames gone and just a little smoke. Firefighters credited the plant’s fire sprinkler system, which doused the fire that started near a cardboard box on the sixth floor. No one was reported injured by the fire.
Hotel / Motel, Hotel / Restaurant Hotel fire shut down by sprinkler (Colorado Springs, CO) July 15, 2013 viking210 When a fire occurred in one of the rooms in a hotel room the night of July 13, firefighters reported that the hotel’s fire sprinkler system quickly eliminated the blaze. Guests were evacuated and allowed to return shortly after the firefighters ensured that no danger was present. No injuries were reported.
Manufacturing, Manufacturing Plant Sprinklers make the difference in manufacturing plant fire (Ashland, OR) July 3, 2013 viking210 Fire alarms sounded at about 4:30 a.m. Sunday alerting Ashland Fire and Rescue to a fire at a manufacturer of electric vehicles. The sprinkler heads only activated in the area of the fire, suppressing it to the room of origin and keeping it from spreading throughout the building holding $2.5 million worth of equipment, said Ashland Fire Battalion Chief Dana Sallee. “It’s amazing how little damage was caused. The sprinkler system saved this building,” said Sallee. “Fire sprinklers save lives, protect property and makes the fire department’s job a lot easier,” said Sallee.
Other Business, Recycling / Waste Facility Waste processing plant fire squelched by fire sprinkler system (Oak Ridge, TN) June 29, 2013 viking210 Despite the fire which occurred in a waste processing plant the night of June 23, no hazardous materials were emitted. When fire crews arrived to the scene of the incident, the fire had been put out, and no one was injured.
Apartment Building, Residential Another apartment fire controlled by automatic sprinkler system (Hagerstown, MD) June 29, 2013 viking210 An apartment building was evacuated Thursday night after a small fire broke out inside one of the units, according to city fire official at the scene. Damage was minimal, and it appeared that mostly clothes were destroyed before the building’s sprinkler system extinguished the blaze. “The sprinkler system did the job it is supposed to do tonight and this is a good reason for people to ensure that they are installed,” said Hagerstown Fire Department Captain Adam Hopkins.
Residential, Single Family Home Fire sprinklers show worth in house fire (Deer Park, IL) June 28, 2013 viking210 A dehumidifier is being blamed for the fire that erupted in a single family home early June 27. The fire was limited by the home’s fire sprinkler system and fire crews put out the rest of the blaze. No one was reported injured.
Residential, Single Family Home Garbage chute fire extinguished by sprinkler system (Windsor, ON) June 20, 2013 viking210 Windsor firefighters were kept busy across the city after two unrelated fires broke out around the same time after 11pm, Monday evening … In the second incident, firefighters were called to 810 Ouellette for reports of smoke in the building.Firefighters investigated smoke in the building’s garbage chute and it appears as though the fire was successfully extinguished by a sprinkler.
Food Processing, Manufacturing Fire sprinklers eradicate meat packing plant fire (Sioux Falls, SD) June 17, 2013 viking210 When fire crews responded to the fire that broke out on the sixth floor of a meat packing plant on the evening of June 14, they found that the plant’s fire sprinkler had completely eliminated the flames. The fire caused no injuries.
Hotel / Motel, Hotel / Restaurant Fire sprinklers contain hotel fire (Houston, TX) June 17, 2013 viking210 A fire that was started on a mattress in a hotel room activated the hotel’s fire sprinkler system. The sprinkler system contained the fire to that room, and no one was hurt by the fire. Arson crews are investigating the cause of the fire.
Nursing Home/Senior Living, Residential Senior living facility fire suppressed by fire sprinkler system (Madison, WI) June 9, 2013 viking210 Fire crews responded to a fire alarm on the third floor a senior living facility during the late evening hour of June 7. Fire sprinklers activated and eliminated the blaze, and no injuries were reported.