A second story apartment unit had a kitchen fire the afternoon of September 1. Fire crews were alerted to the fire by the activation of the building’s fire sprinkler system. The sprinklers quickly suppressed the fire.
“This was a great save,” said Rochester Fire Marshal Larry Mueller. “Had the sprinkler not been installed in the structure, the fire would have rapidly grown and caused extensive damage to the structure.”
Tag Archives: Afternoon (12pm-6pm)
Sprinklers control fire at apartment building (Alabaster, AL)
***Blog Editor’s Note – Please let us know what you think of the coverage by AL.com and journalist Martin Reed, who focused on water damage rather than the lives and property saved by the automatic fire sprinkler system.***
Sprinklers contained an intentionally set fire at apartment (Racine, WI)
Sprinklers control fire at commercial building (Falmouth, ME)
Fire sprinkler system aids firefighters in suspected arson fire (Amherst, NY)
*** Blog Editor’s Note: Tell us what you think of the coverage by WKBW News and Megan Erbacher. Only the substantial heat from potentially deadly and damaging fire will operate a fire sprinkler, not smoke. Also, the sprinkler saved the store from experiencing a much larger fire, where the damage would have been much worse, and could have possibly caused injury or loss of life. ***
Sprinklers make the difference in manufacturing plant fire (Prescott, AZ)
Fire Marshall Rick Chase said, “Without those sprinkler heads going off, it could have easily been really bad.”
There were no injuries.