Tag Archives: Afternoon (12pm-6pm)

Sprinkler system saves auto body shop; Possibly neighboring businesses as well (Charlottesville, VA)

Fire extinguished by sprinkler system at condominium complex (Auburn, WA)

A fire was reported in a dryer in a condominium unit on the afternoon of Saturday, October 26. The condominium’s fire sprinkler system put out the fire, and no one was injured.

*** Blog Editor’s Note – Please let us know what you think of the coverage by the Auburn Reporter, which focused on water damage rather than the lives and property saved by the automatic fire sprinkler system ***

Fire sprinkler system extinguished midday fire at hospital (Philadelphia, PA)

No one was injured as a result of a fire that broke out at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. HUP also continued to see patients while the situation was ongoing. The fire began at around 12 p.m. in the basement of the Founders Building, when construction workers were removing medical equipment from one of the rooms. When the fire broke out, the fire sprinklers were able to quickly put it out, Vice President for Public Safety Maureen Rush said. The basement room in the Founders Building where the fire originated suffered “minimal damages,” according to Rush.

Fire controlled by sprinklers at apartment (Prescott, AZ)

Firefighters were called to a fire in an apartment unit on Saturday, October 12 when a pot of unattended cooking oil was left unattended on a hot stove. A fire ignited, and the fire sprinkler system activated, saving the structure.

Fire investigator Len DeJoria said, “The fire could have been a significant event. If the sprinkler had not had fire sprinklers, the building would have been a total loss.”

Fire sprinklers prove effectiveness in apartment fire (Charleston, SC)

Fire crews were alerted to a fire at a downtown Charleston apartment the afternoon of Wednesday, October 9. When they arrived, they found that the fire had been controlled by two sprinkler heads, and firefighters only had to use less than five gallons of water to douse the remaining flames thanks to the fire sprinkler system.

“Fire sprinklers are an invaluable tool to improve life safety and have the potential to reduce property damage,” said Fire Marshal Mike Julazadeh. “These systems are designed to control the fire or reduce the growth of the fire until the fire department can intervene. The sprinkler system in this case preserved the building and limited damages.”