Category Archives: Place of Worship
Houston, TX – (NO MEDIA COVERAGE) Fire at large church controlled by single sprinkler
The West I-10 Fire Department responded to the report of a fire in a large Light Hazard building. The Second Baptist Church located at 19449 was not occupied when the call was received. The call came in at 1755 hours on January 1, 2015. Engine 01 and District 9 arrived on the scene at 1807 and assumed command and started the investigation. This fire was controlled by one sprinkler head.
*Incident Command Narrative:*
“A” division reports grey smoke, non-pressurized, alarm sounding and crews can hear an active sprinkler head flowing water. E-01 establishes a forward apartment house hose lay and enters on a right wall search. E-01 quickly reports identifying a television on fire, held in check by sprinkler system. E-01 extinguishes fire, tap out reported.
Building officials on site and confirm building was not occupied. Building officials worked to assist fire department personnel. “C” division assigned to secure sprinkler system and open main drain. Transition from extinguishment to salvage/overhaul, and ventilation begins.
Building ventilated with multiple fans, crews began removal of standing water in lobby of church. Walk through completed with. Also spoke with Director of Operations and answered all questions and completed second walk through with him also. Phone call made to HCFMO and discussed situation. I requested that HCFMO visit site and issue a fire watch order due to sprinkler and fire alarm systems being offline.