Manufacturing, Paper Mill / Saw Mill Sprinklers make the difference in manufacturing plant fire (Kamloops, BC) March 12, 2012 viking210 Thanks to the company’s sprinkler system fire crews were able to get a handle on the flames before it got out of control.
Manufacturing, Other - Manufacturing Sprinklers make the difference in fire at paper-shredding and recycling company (Spokane, WA) March 8, 2012 viking210 An employee of DB Secure Shred called 911 and the alarm company reported the fire at just after 7 p.m. The worker attempted to put out the fire with a fire extinguisher. The sprinkler system kept the fire under control. Fire crews then used hoses to fight the remain fire; equipment was used to move paper around to search for embers. “If the sprinklers had not contained the fire, there were enough combustibles to have taken off and caused a lot of damage in the building,” said Deputy Fire Chief Bill Flora.
Manufacturing, Other - Manufacturing Sprinkler system contains publishing company fire (East Vancouver, BC) March 8, 2012 viking210 Fire officials are blaming arson for a fire that damaged an East Vancouver publishing company early Wednesday morning. Sprinklers in the building contained the flames.
Manufacturing, Paper Mill / Saw Mill Fire in downtown Yakima quickly extinguished (Yakima, WA) March 5, 2012 viking210 A piece of metal slipped into a paper processor, creating friction and igniting a small fire, Yakima Battalion Chief Mitch Cole said.The fire set off the sprinkler system in the building, which was evacuated. Fewer than 10 workers were in the building at the time, Cole said.
Manufacturing, Manufacturing Plant Sprinkler system holds fire in check at small business (Muskegon, MI) February 14, 2012 viking210 Firefighters respond to small fire at KL Industries in Muskegon, No one injured
Food Processing, Manufacturing Fire causes minimal damage at packaging plant (Batava, IL) February 10, 2012 viking210 A fire early Friday at Portollo Packaging at 951 Douglas Road caused a minimal amount of damage. The company’s sprinkler system contained most of the fire; minimizing dollar loss and operations of the business.
Manufacturing, Manufacturing Plant Thanks to sprinkler system fire damage was kept to a minimum (Troy, OH) February 6, 2012 viking210 Thanks to an overhead sprinkler system, the building suffered minimal damage from fire inside a production area. Despite the fire, the company was at full production on Monday.
Manufacturing, Manufacturing Plant Sprinkler System Helped Contain Assembly Plant Fire (Avon Lake, OH) January 25, 2012 viking210 The plant’s sprinkler system and emergency response team had contained most of the fire before Avon Lake firefighters arrive, according to the fire department.
Manufacturing, Manufacturing Plant Building’s sprinkler system put out fire (Franklin, IN) January 24, 2012 viking210 Workers were evacuated, and no one was hurt.
Manufacturing, Manufacturing Plant Sprinkler System Put Out Fire at Manufacturing Plant (Mason City, IA) January 20, 2012 viking210 Authorities say a building fire sprinkler system had put out a fire before Mason City firefighters arrived.