Rock Island, IL – Sprinkler system stops apartment kitchen fire

A Rock Island apartment building is still standing tonight because of a fire sprinkler. Rock Island Fire Marshal Greg Marty said a stove fire started on the third floor of the Sala Apartments at 2:30 today. The <fire> triggered the sprinkler system, which put out the flames before firefighters arrived. Marty said this is why every house should have a smoke detector and a sprinkler system.

“This lady’s going to get to stay in her own apartment tonight,” Marty said. “She’ll get to sleep in her own bed. You know, the cleanup is going to be with a mop and a bucket instead of potentially millions of dollars worth of damage and potentially other lives lost.” Marty said apartments have been required to have sprinklers for years. The City of Rock Island just made it mandatory that all new homes be built with sprinklers last year. It is the only Quad City to do so.

EARLIER VERSION: Three fire engines are outside the Sala apartment building in downtown Rock Island. A battalion chief says there was a small stove fire in a unit on the third floor, but it was contained by the sprinkler system. No injuries reported so far.